
The New Year 2017 saw the beginning with the OUTREACH programme for the IX standard students of Poornaprajna Education centres of Bangalore jurisdiction. A five days programme was organised starting from 9th January to 13th January, 2017 for five different batches of students of Poornaprajna Education Centres representing from different areas of Bangalore. The outreach programme included theoretical sessions in the mornings and hands on experience in the afternoons from all the three groups of Materials Division, Biological Sciences and Theoretical Sciences. The topics were:  Oscillatory Reaction, Destruction of Environmentally harmful Dyes,  Synthesis of Fluorescent Dye, how a Chemical reaction works, Staining and Observation of Bacteria and/or Fungi, Preparation and observation of different stages of Mitosis/Meiosis, Growing and observation of small and macro molecular crystals, Microbial cell viability assay etc. The event was very fruitful and inspired the young minds and initiated interest in science.

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