Associate Professor,Theoretical Sciences
Contact : srik [at] ppisr.res.in
Areas of Interest
- Foundations of quantum mechanics.
- Quantum information science (cryptography and noisy channels).
- Solar physics: supergranular network structure and dynamics.
- Philosophy of science: causality, free will, computability, individuation and identity.
Quantum information theory:
- Concept of quantum non-Markovianity weaker than CP-indivisibility.
- Resource theory for non-Markovian channels.
- Measure of not-completely-positive qubit maps.
- Non-Markovian Pauli channels.
- Maximally nonlocal subspaces: certification and applications.
Foundations of quantum mechanics:
- Contextuality and nonlocality of indistinguishable particles.
- Hierarchical axioms for quantum mechanics.
- Quantum information processing and the reality of the quantum state.
- Operational approach to contextuality and nonlocality.
Quantum cryptography:
- Quantum key distribution with counterfactuality.
- Counter factual quantum digital signature.
- Security with counterfactuality and indistinguishability.
- Trusted noise scenarios.
Philosophy of science:
- Reconciliation of free will and causality through consciousness.
- Scientific analysis of the limits of science in the context of consciousness.
- Dynamics of quantum correlations in a Qubit-Oscillator system interacting via a dissipative bath Revanth Badveli, Vinayak Jagadish, R. Srikanth and Francesco Petruccione To appear in Open Systems and Information Dynamics (2020)
- Measure of not-completely positive qubit maps: The general case Vinayak Jagadish, R. Srikanth and Francesco Petruccione Phys. Rev. A 100, 012336 (2019).
- Maximally nonlocal subspaces Akshata Shenoy H and R. Srikanth J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 52 095302 (2019).
- Measure of positive and not completely positive single-qubit Pauli maps Vinayak Jagadish, R. Srikanth and Francesco Petruccione Phys. Rev. A 99, 022321 (2019).
- Hierarchical axioms for quantum mechanics S. Aravinda, Anirban Pathak and R. Srikanth European Physical Journal D, 73(9), p.207 (2019).
- Non-Markovian dephasing and depolarizing channels U. Shrikant, R. Srikanth and Subhashish Banerjee Phys. Rev. A 98, 032328 (2018).
- Non-Markovian evolution: a quantum walk perspective Pradeep Kumar, Subhashish Banerjee, R. Srikanth, Vinayak Jagadish and Francesco Petruccione Open Systems & Information Dynamics 25, 1850014 (2018).
- Operational characterization of quantumness of unsteerable bipartite states Debarshi Das, Bihalan Bhattacharya, Chandan Datta, Arup Roy, C. Jebaratnam, A. S. Majumdar and R. Srikanth Phys. Rev. A 97, 062335 (2018).
- Nonclassicality of local bipartite correlations C. Jebaratnam, S. Aravinda, R. Srikanth Phys. Rev. A 95, 032120 (2017).
- Extending quantum mechanics entails extending special relativity S. Aravinda and R. Srikanth J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 49, 205302 (2016).
- DST-SERB sponsored project 2016--2019 on “The origin of quantum computational speedup in a general probability theoretic framework”
- ICPR sponsored project 2016 on “Modern Science and Ancient insights on Reality”
- DRDO (ER & IPR) project 2017--2019 on “A feasibility study of quantum counterfactual cryptography”
- DST-SERB project 2012--2015 on “Entanglement, nonlocality and superluminal signaling in deterministic and indeterministic extensions of quantum mechanics”
- Akash Kundu (Lovely Professional University, Punjab, India) Dec 2019. Topic: Entanglement of indistinguishable anyons
- Revanth Badveli (BITS-Pilani, Goa, India), July 2019 Topic: Quantum Machine Learning.
- Akshaya S. (Lovely Professional University, Punjab, India) Nov-Dec, 2018. Topic: Measures of quantum entanglement.
- Susmeet Bagchi (Kalyani Govt Engg. College, Nadia, India) June-August 2018. Topic: Quantum information theory.
- Revanth Badveli (BITS-Pilani, Goa, India), Dec 2017--Jan 2018 Topic: Information Security via Quantum Locality
- Paritosh Kapadia (PES University, Bangalore, Karnataka, India) May-July 2017. Topic: A comparison between the classical Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm and the Quantum Fourier transform (QFT) and application of QFT in factoring
- Deepankar Sarmah (IISER-Kolkatal) May-July, 2017 Topic: On appriximating universal quantum computing
- Swadhin Agrawal (IISER-Bhopal) May-July, 2017 Topic: On appriximating universal quantum computing
- Koshy George (Amrita University, Kollam, Kerala, India) Jan-Jun 2017 Topic: On the reality of the quantum state: a Review of ψ-ontology theorems
- Mr Shesha Gopal (IISER-Kolkata), May 16, 2016 -- Topic: Facet inequalities for quantum nonlocality
- Mr Avinash Bhargav (Central University, Hyderabad) May 16, 2016 -- Topic: Convex optimization and semidefinite programming
- Mr A. Animesh (June 10 to Nov 9, 2016). Topic: Towards a device-independent semi-counterfactual quantum cryptography protocol
- Mr E. Pradeep Kumar (June 10 to Oct 10, 2016). Topic: Quantum correlations and neutrino oscillations.
- Mr Shrikant Utagi, Central University of Karnataka, Gulbarga, Summer internship (Dec 10, 2014 to Feb 9, 2015): (Topic: Quantum indistinguishability: some foundational considerations)
- Mr. Pavan Iyengar of University of Pune. RRI Visiting Student internship (May 22, 2012 to May 21, 2013): (Topic: Quantifying quantumness via commutators: An application to quantum walks.).
- Ms. Preeti Yadav of St. Stephen's College, RRI Visiting Student internship (Aug 21, 2012 to Aug 21, 2013): (Topic: On the multipartite extension of the Goldenberg-Vaidman quantum key distribution protocol).
- Mr. Rox Ranjeeth of National College, Bangalore, REAP scholarship of Nehru Planetarium, Bangalore (Aug 20, 2011 to Aug 21, 2012): (Topic: Why quantum no-cloning is not violated in a laser.).
- Mr. X. Bangarusai of IISER Kolkata, RRI Summer internship (May 10 to July 10, 2012): (Topic:Optimal cloning from no-signaling).
- Ms. Ashima Arora of IISER Mohali. RRI Summer internship (May 20 to July 20, 2012): (Topic:The role of entanglement in quantum computational speed-up).
- Mr. Siddhartha Das of IISER Pune, RRI Summer internship (May 10 to July 10, 2012): (Topic:Roy-Singh inequalities).
- Mr Atul Mantri (IISER Mohali), (RRI Summer internship (Dec 15, 2011 to Jan 30, 2012): Topic: Geometry and classification of nonlocal boxes)
- Mr. Subramanya Hegde of Yuvraj College, Mysore (RRI Summer internship (Aug 16, 2011 to Jan 30, 2012): Topic: Quantum Turing machines)
- Mr Reet Chowdhury (NIT Tiruchirappalli) June 1 to July 4, 2011. Topic: Quantum Kolmogorov complexity
- Mr. Srinatha Narayanaswamy, PPISR Long-term internship (April 6, 2010 to Sep 6, 2011): (Topic: The Quantum cryptographic switch)
- Mr. Balaji Rao, PPISR Long-term internship (May 10, 2010 to May 11, 2011): (Topic:Noisy quantum walk).
After obtaining his PhD from IISc, Bangalore, Dr. R. Srikanth worked as a postdoctoral scholar at the (then) Center for Theoretical Studies, IISc and then at Light & Matter Physics (LAMP) group, RRI, Bangalore. He joined PPISR as a Faculty Fellow in 2006, becoming an Asstistant Professor in 2010.
He has guided three PhD students (separately) in the fields of quantum cryptography, quantum noise and quantum foundations; and has (co-)authored over 70 research papers.
- Various invited talks and lectures.
- Editor (Quanta, quanta.ws)
- Consultant to two quantum technology startups
- Reviewer (Phys Rev A, Quantum Information Processing, Quantum Information and Computation, Scientific Reports, Phys Rev Lett, Pramana, Physica Scripta, Int. J. Theoretical Physics, Quanta, etc.)
- Invitations to adjudicate in science competitions, and as thesis examiner / reviewer.
- Mr Vinod Nagaraj RaoThesis title: Study of Practical Counterfactual Quantum Cryptography and Quantum Steganography.
- Mr U. ShrikantThesis title: Aspects of quantum non-Markovianity in quantum information processing.
- Ms Sowmya G. M (along with Prof. U. Paniveni, Bangalore University)Thesis title: Rotational effects of the Solar supergranular spectrum.
- Ms. Rajani G, (along with Prof. U. Paniveni, Bangalore University) Thesis title: Long-term variation of the fractal dimension of the Sun.
- Ms. Yamuna M, (along with Prof. U. Paniveni, Bangalore University) Thesis title: Power Infrastructure Supplemented by Solar Energy technologies in Rural India.
- Dr S. Aravinda (PhD, 2018):Thesis title: Foundational Aspects of Contextuality and Nonlocality.
Where now: Dept of Physics, IITM, Chennai. - Dr. Omkar Srikrishna (PhD, 2016):Thesis title: Operator Sum Representation for Quantum Noise due to Dissipative and Non-demolition Interaction with a squeezed Environment Where now: Center for Macroscopic Quantum Control, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea).