Metabolites of endophytic fungi and Protein modification
Endophytic fungi are living in association with plants and known to produce life saving compounds as their secondary metabolites. We are isolating the endophytic fungi from medicinal plants and screen for novel inhibitors for controlling type-2 diabetes. The fungal enzyme such as laccase is widely used enzyme in industrial applications and environmental detoxification processes; we are trying to increase laccase production using irradiation as one of the optimization techniques. The other area of our interests is modification of therapeutic proteins using linker chemistry to improve the half life of a modified protein
- Anti-diabetic compounds of endophytic fungi from Medicinal plants used for the treatment of diabetes: Diabetes is one of major prevailing diseases around the world with high risks of growth in India. Preventing diabetes is the best option at present situation. If at all one gets a diabetes then maintaining normal blood sugar level in the blood is a major task throughout the life. There are various types of medications available for controlling diabetes but each one has one or the other side effects. Natural extracts from medicinal plants or endophytic fungi can be an alternative to avoid such side effects. This research group focusing on isolating anti-diabetic compounds from the endophytic fungi which are living inside the medicinal plants and study their applications in treating diabetes
- Effect of radiation on endophytic fungi producing ligninase enzyme and antidiabetic inhibitors: Radiation exposure can cause different effects on organisms in the environment. There are cases where plants yield was increased by exposing them to different types of radiation. Similarly, if we expose endophytic fungi (which are already known for producing industrially useful enzymes and secondary metabolites for pharmaceutical applications) for various types of radiation that might influence in increased production of ligninase or secondary metabolites by the fungi. As the ligninase is known for degradation of phenolic compounds, can be applied in degradation of textile and other industrial wastes. Secondary metabolites may be useful as inhibitors of enzymes involved in diabetes control.
- Modification of Insulin molecule to improve its half-life and other therapeutic properties: Controlling sugar in a diabetic patient has become a major challenge due to increased diagnosis of diabetes cases in recent years. Type 2 diabetes is a major type of diabetes and main causes are insulin resistance, reduced secretion and others. The purpose of this research is to modify the insulin using conjugation chemistry using protein or non-protein molecules to increase the half-life as well as its pharmacodynamics properties in-vitro and/or in-vivo models.
Recent Publications from the list of 46:
- Kirana M. P., Ananda Kulal., Alpha glucosidase inhibition activity of phenolic fraction from Simarouba glauca: An in-vitro, in-silico and kinetic study (2020). Heliyon, 6(7), e04392.
- Kavitha Keshava Navada and Ananda Kulal. Enhanced production of laccase from gamma irradiated endophytic fungus: A study on biotransformation kinetics of aniline blue and textile effluent decolourisation (2020). Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 8(2), 103550.
- Archana K. M, Maurya, S.K., Kumar, K., Kavitha Keshava Navada and Ananda Kulal, Nalini.G. Sundaram. Scheelite like NaTb(WO4)2 nanoparticles: Green fluorescence and in vitro cell imaging applications (2020). Materials Science and Engineering: C, 106, 110182.
- Kavitha Keshava Navada and Ananda Kulal. Enzymatic degradation of chloramphenicol by laccase from Trametes hirsuta and comparison among mediators(2019). International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 138, 63-69.
- Sunil Kumar, A., J. Kudva, B.R. Bharath, K. Ananda, R. Sadashiva, S. Madan Kumar, B.C. Revanasiddappa, V. Kumar, P.D. Rekha, and D. Naral. Synthesis, structural, biological and in silico studies of new 5-arylidene-4-thiazolidinone derivatives as possible anticancer, antimicrobial and antitubercular agents (2019). New Journal of Chemistry 43:1597-1610.
- Bharadwaj, S.S., B. Poojary, S.K.M. Nandish, J. Kengaiah, M.P. Kirana, M.K. Shankar, A.J. Das, Ananda Kulal, and D. Sannaningaiah. Efficient Synthesis and in Silico Studies of the Benzimidazole Hybrid Scaffold with the Quinolinyloxadiazole Skeleton with Potential α-Glucosidase Inhibitory, Anticoagulant, and Antiplatelet Activities for Type-II Diabetes Mellitus Management and Treating Thrombotic Disorders (2018). ACS Omega 3:12562-12574.
- Kavitha Keshava Navada, Ganesh Sanjeev and Ananda Kulal. Enhanced biodegradation and kinetics of anthraquinone dye by laccase from an electron beam irradiated endophytic fungus (2018). International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 132, 241-250.
- Archana K. Munirathnappa, Ananda K, A. K. Sinha, and Nalini G. Sundaram. Effect of Solvent on the Red Luminescence of Novel Lanthanide NaEu(WO4)2 Nanophosphor for Theranostic Applications (2018). Crystal Growth & Design ;18 (1), 253-263.
- Harikrishna, N.; Isloor, A. M.; Ananda, K.; Obaid, A.; Fun, H.-K., Synthesis, and antitubercular and antimicrobial activity of 1′-(4-chlorophenyl) pyrazole containing 3, 5-disubstituted pyrazoline derivatives (2016). New Journal of Chemistry, 40 (1), 73-76.
- Hebbar, R. S.; Isloor, A. M.; Ananda, K.; Ismail, A. Fabrication of polydopamine functionalized halloysite nanotube/polyetherimide membranes for heavy metal removal (2016). Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 4 (3), 764-774
- Pavithra N., Sathish L., Suneel Kumar A., Venkatarathanamma, V., Pushpalatha H., Bhanuprakash Reddy, G., Ananda K. In-vitro Studies on α-Amylase, α-Glucosidase and Aldose Reductase Inhibitors found in Endophytic Fungi Isolated from Ocimum sanctum (2014). Current Enzyme Inhibitor 10(2)129-136.
Completed Projects
- Antimicrobial and anti oxidants of endophytic fungi from Medicinal plants Principal Investigator: Dr.Ananda K. ; Research Fellow: Sathish L
- Anti-diabetic compounds of endophytic fungi from medicinal plants used for the treatment of diabetes. Principal Investigator: Dr.Ananda K. ; Research Fellow: Pavithra N
- Anticancer metabolites from endophytes of medicinal plants Principal Investigator: Dr. Ananda K
Ongoing Projects:
- Effect of electron beam radiation on endophytic fungi producing ligninase enzymePI:Dr.Ananda, K. ; Research Scholar: Ms.Kavitha KN
Endophytic fungi isolated from Simarouba glauca were tested for the ligninase enzymes production. Endophytic fungi positive for ligninase are exposed to electron beam radiation and subcultured in to a new media. The effect of various doses of electron beam radiation was analysed with respect to the production of ligninase enzymes. The dye degradation rate was also analysed for all the fungal cultures exposed to radiation. The changes in rate of dye degradation found after irradiation observed in some of the cultures. The cultures were grown for several generations to check the consistence in enzyme production. The dose of radiation at which fungi produces highest amount of enzyme will be used for further studies.
- Alpha glucosidase enzyme inhibitors from Simarouba glauca and from its endophytic fungiPI: Dr.Ananda K, Reseach Scholar: Mr.Kiran M P
Alpha glucosidase enzymes are involved in degradation of disaccharides into monosaccharides and these mono saccharides are absorbed into the blood stream in the small intestine. The starchy food taken into the body immediately digested and blood glucose level will increase in the body. The enzyme insulin will be secreted into blood stream and all the excess of glucose in the blood will be stored as glycogen under normal condition. In case of diabetic patient the glucose taken into the blood will be stored immediately due to improper activity of insulin or other receptors. Hence, the diabetic patients are not encouraged to eat starchy food. To avoid this elevation in blood glucose level in the blood the present study focused on searching for a natural alpha glucosidase inhibitor.
- Site specific modification of insulin for increasing its half-life and pharmacological propertiesPI: Dr.Ananda K. ; Research Scholar : Ms. Shrilakshmi S
Insulin protein has chain A and Chain B in the active form. The binding affinities and sites of biological degradation of insulin will be analysed by molecular docking studies. The modification of amino acids either by mutating an less important amino acid with the easily modifiable one or modification of a specific amino acid by a polyethylene glycol molecule to reduce rate of insulin degradation. There will be few different types of molecules will be prepared by such modifications and each one will be analysed for their biochemical properties and later tested for in-vitro models.
Research Collaboration
Dr. Arun M Isloor, Associate Professor, NITK, Surathkal collaboration for the Biological activity of synthesized compounds and materials.Genelon Institute of Lifesciences, Yelahanka, Bangalore made a MOU for mutual collaborative research and Dr.Ananda K is a member of scientific advisor committee.
Govt.Sponsored project:
Received research grant for the project titled “Effect of electron beam radiation on endophytic fungi producing ligninase enzyme” for three years from BRNS, DAE, Govt. of India
Educational and Professional Qualifications
2018-present: Associate Professor, PPISR, Bengaluru, India
2011-2017: Assistant Professor, PPISR, Bengaluru, India
2010-2011: Faculty Fellow, PPISR, Bengaluru, India
2004-2010: Post-Doctoral Fellow, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, NY, USA
2004-2004: Lecturer, P A College of Engineering, Mangalore, India
2003-2004: Project Associate, IWST, Bengaluru, India
1999-2003: Administrative Supervisor, KSRTC, Govt. of Karnataka, India
1996-2001: PhD, Mangalore University, Mangalore, India.
1995-1996: Project Assistant, College of Fisheries, Mangalore, India
1993-1995: MSc, Biosciences, Mangalore University, Mangalore, India
Membership of Professional bodies
- PhD Co-coordinator at PPISR for MAHE, Manipal
- Life Member of Mycological Society of India
- Life member of Association of Microbiologist of India
- Postdoctoral Senate member in Faculty Senate, Quality of Life Committee and of Committee on Committees of Albert Einstein College of Medicine 2007-2009.
- Working experience as Administrative supervisor in KSRTC, Karnataka, India.1998-2003
- President of Mangalore university researcher’s forum (MURF) during the period of Ph.D. for a year.
- Member of New York academy of science, NY, USA.2006-2008
- Member of Protein Society, San Diego. USA 2006.
Research Collaboration
- Dr. Arun M Isloor, NITK, Surathkal collaboration for the antimicrobial assay of synthetic compounds
Received a Meritorious Award for Excellence in Research from AMEF during Founder’s day July 6, 2012 in recognition of contribution towards research and development at PPISR.
Govt. Sponsored project:
- Received research grant for the project titled "Effect of electron beam radiation on endophytic fungi producing ligninase enzyme" for three years from BRNS, DAE, Govt. of India
Training of Students:
- PhD Awarded : 02
- MSc Project completed : 03
- BSc Project completed : 06
- BSc Inspire students : 03
- PhD students working : 03
Membership of Professional bodies
- Life Member of Mycological Society of India
- Life member of Association of Microbiologist of India
Journal review
- RSC Advances
- BMC complementary and alternative Medicine
- Journal of Food Science and Technology
- Cogent chemistry
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