Founder’s Day Celebration 2024

Founders Day 2024 was celebrated on July 4, 2024,at PPISR Bidalur campus where Sri. Subramanya Katti, Managing Director, Hongirana Energy Pvt. Ltd. was the Chief Guest and Dr. A B Halgeri, Director of PPISR was presided over the function along with Dr.Ganapati V Shanbhag, Dean (Academics) PPISR. The Program was started with an invocation by Ms. Ashadevi, Research Scholar.

Dr. Anand B Halgeri, welcomed and addressed the gathering. In his address he briefly explained about various activities and the achievements of PPISR for all these years.

Followed by the welcome address, lighting of the lamp was performed by the dignitaries. Then, Dr. Ganapati V Shanbhag gave an overview of the program. He gave an elaborative detail about the founder H H Sri Vibhudesha Theertha Swamiji. He recalled founder’s past achievements and how he struggled to build the PPISR institute many years back.

Materials Sciences and Catalysis Division Technical Session: This year Inaugural talk of Founder’s Day was synced with technical talk of Materials Science division. Dr. Sanjeev P Maradur, Associate Professor, Materials Science and Catalysis Division introduced the Chief Guest, Sri. Subramanya Katti to the audience. Sri. Subramanya Katti, gave a technical talk on “Biofuels, A key transmission fuel”. He spoke about demands of fuel in India as well as globally and where we can contribute to society by finding some innovative research work in biofuel. He is being working to produce biodiesel, said that “pleasant state of a mind is breeding ground for the innovation”.

The inaugural function was concluded with a vote of thanks by Dr. Sanjeev P Maradur. Ms. Meghana H, Research Scholar compered the whole program.

After the tea break the technical session was continued by another presentation by Dr. Ganapati V Shanbhag, HOD & Associate Professor, Materials Science and Catalysis Division who gave an overview of Research Achievements of PPISR for the past decade. The Second technical talk was presented by Mr. Sujith S, Senior Research Scholar, Materials Science Division on a title “Doping of Metal Oxides for Catalysis” . In his presentation he explained how important catalysts active sites in the reaction is. Then program was continued after the lunch break.

The Second Technical Session was on Biological Sciences Division, Dr. Ananda K Associate Professor, Biological Sciences Division of chaired the session and introduced the speaker to the audience. Dr. Harinath Doodhi, Associate Professor and HOD, Department of Biological Sciences , GITAM (Deemed to be University), Bengaluru gave an invited talk on “ Microtubules in Biology, diseases and medicine”. He spoke detailed stories on how microtubules play an important role in human health and medicine. This was followed by another talk by Mr. Mallikarjun M, Research Scholar, Biological Sciences Division, on a title “Mushrooms in Medicine and Food” . He spoke about different uses of Mushrooms in human day to day life.

Later, Theoretical Sciences division Technical session was chaired by Dr. Sujit Sarkar, Associate Professor, Theoretical Sciences Division. Dr. Srikanth R, Associate Professor, theoretical Sciences Division briefly introduced the invited speaker Dr. C M Chandrashekar, Professor, The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai and Adjunct faculty at IISc. Bengaluru who gave a talk on the title “Controlling quantum systems and building photonic quantum processor” .

This was followed by another talk by Mr. Subhodeep Gangopadyay, Research Scholar in theoretical sciences on the title “Sharing secrets using Quantum Mechanics”.

Overall, every Scientific talks were very interesting, and we had celebrated fond memories of our founder HH Sri Vibhudesha Teertha Swamiji with different scientific talks on this occasion.

Finally, Dr. Ananda K, in his concluding remarks recalled all the activities of the whole day program and thanked every speakers, participants and to those who are directly or indirectly helped to make this event a successful.

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