The ancient Indian seers were indeed pioneering scientists, who investigated the spiritual laws underlying this wonderful physical world we live in. Inspired by this idea of a spiritual basis for scientific investigation due to these ancient scholar-saints, my beloved Guruji and illustrious predecessor, HH Sri Vibudhesha Theertha Swamiji, conceived of and constructed Poornaprajna Institute of Scientific Research (PPISR), to serve as the crest jewel from among the Poornaprajna family of schools and institutes founded by him.
He envisioned for fundamental scientific research to be undertaken here in the same free spirit of curiosity, and for applied research to be pursued with the similar intent of contributing to the welfare of the world, that had marked the investigations of those ancient Upanishadic rishis.
Under the diligent stewardship of the present administration, headed ably by the Director Prof. A. B. Halgeri and the Secretary Prof K. Srihari, PPISR has witnessed over the years considerable growth in terms of producing more number of PhD students, who are now well placed in postdoctoral positions, improved research output in general terms, both qualitatively and quantitatively, and also in terms of infrastructure and laboratory development, assuring me that our institute is very well poised to fulfill Swamiji’s vision for it, and emerge as a center of excellence in research, benefiting both Indian science and students in their service of the world community.
Through my numerous interactions with the scientists, staff and students at PPISR, I have sensed that we have progressed steadily from our the status of a nascent institute to one where we have established definite directions in terms of academic goals, as witnessed by the many invited talks and publications of our faculty members and their students. The increased demand for entry into our institute necessitated increasing our hostel facility, which has been accomplished thanks to the generous support of our Trustee members.
May the Blessings of Lord Sri Krishna provide constant guidance to the PPISR family members both scientifically and spiritually!